Isola Island


Amethyst Liberty

Roleplayed by: Anna
Name: Amethyst Liberty
Nickname: Amy
Birthdate: September 18, 1986
Birthplace: England
Relatives: Richard Liberty, Kassidy Liberty, Tamzin Willow
Boyfriend: Oliver Mastrio
Best Friend(s): None
Friend(s): Sara Daae
Amy grew up with a kind mother but a strict and seemingly heartless father. At an early age, Amy was home schooled, trained, and worked like an adult, because she was to take over the family business when the time came. She not only saw but experienced the difference between nurturing and negligent. Every time her father treated her like a student instead of a daughter, her mother would be the one to comfort her. This gave her the impression that being cruel would repel everyone that ever cared about her, and being gentle could only bring loved ones closer. Also, Amy had a half-sister (Tamzin Willow) who was cruel and rebellious due to growing up in a corrupt environment with an alchoholic mother who abused her both physically and verbally after her husband, Richard, Amy's dad, left her for Amy's mother, Kassidy. This all reinforced Amy's firm belief that being evil could only hurt others and cause pain.

As a young girl, although Amethyst had always been soft and kind on the outside, she still had bitter thoughts. Amy had always gone out of her way to make sure that every word she said was nice and loving, but nobody stopped to appreciate it, or even think about it. Kindness hadn't gotten her closer to anyone, but it did get her walked all over. Even as a small child, her "friends" took advantage of her morals, without even realizing it, because she was always so nice and didn't complain. Amy often thought that the world would be a better place if people were more like her. This planted an internal bitterness toward the people around her. And since she couldn't express that with anger (it went against her morals), she began to behave like a major damsel in distress. She would often make a soap opera out of small things and make everyone around her feel guilty (she was particularly good at that). Her friends eventually left her as they all decided that she was no longer useful and, in fact, quite an annoyance.

This brought on a period of unimaginable loneliness. Amy was constantly studying and training, and when she did have some time for herself, she had no friends to spend it with. She had no one to share her thoughts with, no one to play with, no shoulders to cry on, except two people. One was her mother. Her mother was the one nurturing Amy as much as she could and keeping her spirits up whenever she felt like giving up. Kassidy would often read to Amy at night or tell her various stories. Whether the stories were true or not, Amy didn't care. All she knew was that drifting off into fantasy worlds that were not her own usually made her feel better. The second friend was Amy's horse, Jen, who she rode almost everyday. Jen took the place of real friends, so Amy told her everything. One day, however, when Amy was eleven years old, Jen passed away due to mysterious food poisoning. Amy was devastated, and her mother became her only source of sanity.

So when Amy's mother, her only source of sanity, passed away when Amy was twelve, she finally lost it. She developed a mental illness causing her to figuratively travel back in time occasionally to block out the pain. She would act as if she was back in a time when her mother was still alive. This also meant that she would have to act like a child. Her father eventually got tired of dealing with her and sent her to a boarding school, Academie de Milou.

At first, Amy was glad to be going to a normal school with other kids her age, away from her father, who only worked her like crazy. However, drama ran wild at Academie de Milou, and it easily affected fourteen-year-old Amy, who still did her best to be the nicest person she could be. Thinking that she could make people like her, she tried out for cheerleading. It was a small school, and she was light and flexible, so she made it. However, she quickly found that this brought about even more drama. On the verge of going insane again, Amy was desperate for someone to hold onto, someone to love her. So when John Weever, a sweet and charming boy, was interested in her (jock + cheerleader), she fell easy. Unfortunately, John soon found that Amy was clingy and high-maintenance, so he just stopped seeing her without saying a word about it.

That was when she fell for Keil Chase. Keil was one of her friends, though she hadn't realized it until then. He was anti-social and dorky, but he cared about her, and that was rare for Amy. They started going out. Amy was extremely infatuated with Keil, because he was innocent and sweet and constantly spoiled her with praise. However, Keil still had eyes for an old love-- Masa. Masa was wise, tough, and amazing. Amy was loyal, adorable, and elegant. Being torn between two girls that he loved in different ways drove Keil crazy, and never having Keil's full attention while being so needy drove Amy crazy. They eventually broke up, but not after a long and painful relationship full of fighting and some cheating on Keil's part.

That was Amy's breaking point. Everyone avoided her; no one wanted anything to do with such an emotional trainwreck. She, herself, left the school and went back to the only home she knew-- England, where her father was. Again, he didn't exactly welcome her home with open arms. Secretly, he saw her as a reminder of his late wife and wanted nothing to do with her, but for some reason, he couldn't send her back. She stayed in England for a time, healing, before she returned to Academie de Milou. Being reminded of all the drama that occured between those walls was almost too much, but one person made it all okay.

When everyone was too caught up in the drama to worry or even care about Amy, Oliver was the one who tore down the walls Amy built around her. When everyone was avoiding her and labeling her as a high-maintenence freak, he cared enough to find out what was wrong with her and try to help. That was all she needed. Furthermore, with his help, Amy learned to put herself before others sometimes. She matured and became less naive while still maintaining her kind, innocent nature. Oliver also fell in love with her kindness, honesty, and innocence. He didn't see her as a high-maintenance psycho but as someone who had overcome a difficult past.

Amy obviously loved him back. He was the one guy in her life who didn't make her feel like she had a sign on her heart that read "Stab here!"

What hasn't killed her has made her a lot stronger. It now takes a lot to knock Amy off her feet, since she's been through a lot. She's more in control of her emotions. Plus, she's seen how crappy the world can be, so she tends to look at situations from all angles before judging or making a decision. She's also still the same sweet, friendly, playful girl since she still believes the world needs more people like that. Amy still tends to do her best to be the helping hand in everyone's lives, but she has become less of a pushover. She has learned how to project an aura of kindness and comfort without seeming weak and eager to please. However, some old habits die hard, and she can still be a bit of a drama queen. In addition to her power to help others, her other specialty is making others feel as guilty as possible. That she does without even realizing it.